Monday, February 19, 2007

Earth Science Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)Part 1

(EQ) What are the crystal systems of minerals?

Today we are going to be working with 3-D shapes. Minerals make rocks! All you have to do is to get them to bond with each other. There are two types of chemical bonds: Covalent and Ionic. Covalent bonds make new molecules. Example H2O! Ionic bond is when two substances joining each other. Example NaCl!

When the 3-D shapes come together they stack up on each other and make minerals. Minerals can be identified by thier 3-D shape.

Today I want you to make a graphic organizer of the different shapes that help identify minerals. Draw the shape and give 3 facts about the shape and minerals in the class.

Web pages are: Crystallograhy
username: jelder
passord: teacher

When your are at brian pop go to Science and watch the video on Mineral Indentification.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


We are going to start on Rocks and Minerals.